Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Homemade String Hopper Sweet Rolls.(LAVARIYA)



Coconut Pani Or Treacle50 ml
Cinnamon Powder0.13 tsp.
Sugar1 tsp.
Dessicated Coconut100g


Steam Flour (See Below)250g
Salt1 tsp.
Boiling water
200 ml

1. To make the coconut mixture, in a thick-bottomed pan, put coconut pani, cinnamon and sugar and bring to boil (you need it to be around 100C degrees so use a thermometer).Then add the pani mixture to the dessicated coconut and mix well. Let cool.

2. In a steamer, steam plain flour for about 30 minutes. When cool, break up the flour and sift twice. Steam flour is also available in food shops and supermarkets.

3. Put the steam flour and salt into a bowl and slowly add the water. Mix quickly into a pliable dough.

4. Put a little of the dough into a string hopper mold and squeeze the mixture in a circular fashion onto a 7×7 piece of paper greased with butter or oil. It will look like a disk about 5 inches in diameter. Continue with the rest of the dough.

5. Now place the sweet coconut mixture in the middle of each disk and roll each up loosely. Transfer to a string hopper mat.

6. Place 2 mats in a steamer and steam over a pan of boiling water for about 5 minutes. When the string hopper sweet rolls are cooked, remove from the mats and place on a dish.

Serve hot or cool.Enjoy.

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